Monday, March 15, 2010

Vessel Forthcoming

I managed to finish that short story I alluded to in an earlier post. I have titled it Vessel, and I will probably post it by the end of the week. I thought it was done, but a quick re-read the other night showed me some clumsy language and muddled ideas, so I will need to pare it down a little before I am willing to post it.

Muse is a short poem I wrote at T.F. Green airport while waiting for a plane. Some recent events in my life have changed my average mood for the better. Unfortunately, as a writer who wrote almost entirely to find a way to voice his own misery, this presents an interesting problem.

I may also post a short story titled Autumn Earth before long. This was the first short story I ever wrote, and the one I have received the most feedback on. I have submitted it to a literary journal at my University, but no word yet as to the likelihood of its publication. Stay tuned for exciting developments here at the Interface.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


You came to me in my domain
From somewhere still unknown
I, plagued by darkened thoughts
Haunted by soundless ghosts

All empty forests
And broken walls

And I, alone, scribbled furiously
Searching for a way
To purge my ancient suffering
And to expiate my sins

In lonely cities
Through endless rain

But you were subtle
And made my efforts pale
Took false, low, and made real
Brought furor to my ocean heart

Now I am quiet
No words to write

In a fugue and lonely place
Where I was taunted by death
And moved forward by suffering
You took away my muse
And freed me of my voice

And I do not care